How to define your ideal customer

By |2024-07-10T15:34:05+12:00July 24th, 2024|Business Advice, General, Marketing, Strategy|

Since businesses have existed, business owners have asked the question, Who is my ideal customer? Advertising copywriting icon, David Ogilvy, wrote about “man's unchanging needs”. What he meant by this was that no matter the time or circumstances, consumers had and were driven by, an unwavering set of needs. These

Focus on the Future

By |2023-07-27T10:48:42+12:00June 22nd, 2023|Business Advice, General, Marketing|

Running a business during an economic recession can be challenging, but with structured planning you can steer your business towards success even in tumultuous times. In this blog, the third in our sure up your revenue series, we explore four ways in which you can prepare and guide your business through a recession.

Get cash confidence

By |2023-09-01T12:17:11+12:00June 7th, 2023|Business Advice, General, Marketing|

If there is ever a time you should be regularly focusing on your cash position, that time is right now! The way to do that is with a cashflow forecast. This will help you maintain visibility of your cashflow, bolster your cash confidence and ensure the stability of your business. Cashflow (not cash) is

Margin trumps marketing

By |2023-07-27T10:44:09+12:00May 23rd, 2023|Business Advice, General, Marketing|

Marketing is a great way to generate revenue (if you can convert the leads) but it needs to be considered alongside margin and productivity of your team. If you pour more dollars into marketing, generating more leads and ultimately more work, you create risk to your business in the following ways: Working harder for

Defining your unique selling point

By |2023-01-11T08:08:05+13:00January 11th, 2023|Business Advice, General, Marketing, Strategy|

Why should your customers choose you over your competitors? Establishing your unique selling point (USP) is about uncovering and communicating the real benefit you offer customers. #marketing #businessadvice #SME Making your business stand out in a crowded market can be challenging, but differentiating your business is vital for attracting your "Class A"

Welcome to Pathfinder Solutions

By |2022-06-18T12:27:11+12:00December 9th, 2021|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Change Management, General, Marketing, News, Strategy, Uncategorized|

At Pathfinder Solutions, we are more than Chartered Accountants. We have a genuine interest in helping others succeed and our clients come to us primarily for advice and expertise beyond accounting, because they want something different to what they currently have. Telling you how much tax you need to pay isn’t enough. That’s so

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